* Rural Housing

The PC is currently considering the merits of a small development (circa 6-8) “rural houses” within the village.  Rural houses are rental or co-ownership houses provided by a housing association for the benefit of local residents in housing need. They are typically built on “exception sites”, i.e. land that would not normally gain planning permission. A recent survey suggested there were villagers who could benefit from such a development.
Various sites have been discussed.  The favoured one is on farmland on the B430, just about opposite  the junction of Church Lane with the B430.


Below is a link to the up-to-date housing needs survey carried out by Cherwell District Council dated February 2017.


Ardley with Fewcott Housing Needs Survey Report


If you have any views on the concept, or would like further information, please contact the Clerk to the Parish Council on: ardleywfparishclerk@yahoo.com